9/11 Symbolism

It going to be important to lay some foundation concerning 9-11 before we move forward.

Most of us, especially here in the United States, exclusively think of the attacks on the Twin Towers when 9/11 is brought to mind, but what if i were to tell you there are two 9/11's?

Oh you don't know about the other 9/11?

Try November 9th. Here in the U.S. we would see this as 11/9, but across the pond (and practically everywhere else in the world) November 9th is seen as 9/11. Anything important happen on this day anywhere that might see this as 9/11?

Well, what if i told you practically every important event in Germany history over the course of the 20th century occurred on November 9th?

That would be weird right?

Well it just happens to be true.

Lets make a list:

Oh wait there's already one made for us

But just to hit a few of the highlights:

Kaiser Wilhelm II was forced to abdicate, ending Germany's monarchy, leading to the shortly lived Weimar Republic

Hitler and the Nazi's failed coup attempt known as the Beer Hall Putsch

"Kristallnacht" or the "Night of Broken Glass" Nazi thugs torched synagogues, smashed Jewish-owned shops and rounded up Jewish men across Germany.

Berlin Wall comes down

Then there is the other 9/11.

The United States 9/11.  Believe it or not several significant events have occurred on Sept. 11th that have had a lasting effect on the the U.S.

Here's a quick list I put together for your amazement/enlightenment.

1941 - Construction begins on the very same Pentagon that was struck in 2001.

1990 - George  H.W. Bush gives infamous New World Order Speech

2001 -

2013 - Benghazi

So there seems to be some weird connection with 9/11, Germany and The United States.

Its almost like when the US laid the foundation of the Pentagon on 9/11/1941 they laid the foundation for the defeat of Germany in WW2.

Fast forward 40 years and the Actor Ronald Reagan is telling Mr. Gorbachev to tear down this wall.

And Mr. Gorbachev did tear down that wall on 9/11/1987.

The same wall this handsome made for t.v. lookin' mother fucker made this famous speech...

Weird these guys keep showing up in the same place.

(They were also both shot by guys from Dallas.)

Okay i can see your eye roll.

Just read on.

Are you familiar with the story of Castor and Pollux?

The Gemini Twins.

One the son of the Mighty Zeus. The other of King Tyndareus.

One immortal. One not.

Pollux was struck mortally wounded. Castor plead with his divine father to spare his brother. Zeus arranged for the brothers to share immortality.

While one brother sat upon Mt. Olympus. The other would dwell in Hades. The two switched their eternal homes day to day.

So the Twins died together and became one.

The first Twin is mortally wounded.

The Twins die together.

And become one.
One World Trade Center.

Freemasons are said to hold demolished Twin Pillars in high regard.

Hiram Abiff, or the Widow's Son, (some might be inclined to go so far as call the man a bastard, I don't personally know the man so I would't go there myself but let it be know there are those that do), was the architect of Solomon's Temple.

From the Masonic Dictionary.com:

The Story Of Hiram Abiff
William Harvey, J.P., F.S.A. (Scot.)

Originally Published in 1944

The outstanding figure in modern Freemasonry is undoubtedly the widow's son who is known to members of the Fraternity under the somewhat obscure name of Hiram Abiff. He dominates Craft Masonry. and that in spite of the fact that neither the Entered Apprentice nor the Fellow-Craft knows anything at all about him. It is true that, when the Master Mason recites what is called "the first part of the traditional history." to the Fellow-Craft who is on his way to the secrets of the third degree, he pays the Fellow-Craft the compliment of saying, "As you are doubtless aware," Hiram was the principal architect at the building of King Solomon's Temple.. But if the Fellow-Craft is so informed, he must have acquired the knowledge apart altogether from Freemasonry as, up to that particular moment, no glimpse of the widow's son has been obtained in all the ceremonial of the First arid Second Degrees. From that point onwards, however, he is chief actor in the drama, and the legend of Hiram is the most characteristic part in the ritual of the Order.

Hiram, like many other notable men in the history of the world, was distinguished in the manner of his death as that is set forth in the legend, and the dramatic circumstances attending the tragedy are what give amplitude to his biography. Beyond the time, place, and means of his murder, Freemasonry knows little about the man, nor, apart from Freemasonry, are many particulars to be gleaned. All that is known of him is contained in the Volume of the Sacred Law, and even there there is confusion, and one statement that in the opinion of Bro. Robert Freke Gould stamps the Masonic legend as a myth.

Hiram Abiff, the most notable figure in Freemasonry was the architect of Solomon's temple.

Lining either said of the road leading to Solomon's temple stood two twin pillars.

The Twin pillars were demolished as the First Temple was destroyed.

The Twins were demolished before Solomon's Temple was destroyed.

The twins were demolished...

Before Solomon's Temple was destroyed.

World Trade Center Building 7 (WTC7) was also known as the Solomon Brothers Building.

So why is this important you ask?

Is it possible there is something symbolically significant with the date 9/11?  Based on the evidence we have looked at today I would say there certainly is a strong argument to be made there. Is it then also possible the towers themselves were symbolic and their very destruction was also allegorical? Once again I believe there is good reason to suspect as much.

So if the date were symbolic, the structures were symbolic, their destruction was also symbolic, and their rebirth/rebuilding into one was done symbolically, would you think it a stretch to say that perhaps individuals who had prior knowledge of this coming event may have been clever enough to tell us about it symbolically?

I certainly think that is a VERY REAL possibility.

Remember Daddy Bush gave his famous N.W.O. speech on 9/11... It sure would be a crazy coincidence if what I'm saying had no merit...


  1. These are all fascinating connections, like a secret history "hiding in plain sight". The Solomon's Temple/Salomon Bros. sync is just so bold! You also might want to also take a look at the flight numbers of the planes used, and how they connect to the sacred numbers of Thelema, A.C.'s religion. Eleven, seventy-seven and ninety three, all very significant in this occult system. Using flight 93 was about as bold as naming building 7 "Salomon".


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