
Showing posts from January, 2020

9/11 Symbolism

It going to be important to lay some foundation concerning 9-11 before we move forward. Most of us, especially here in the United States, exclusively think of the attacks on the Twin Towers when 9/11 is brought to mind, but what if i were to tell you there are two 9/11's? Oh you don't know about the other 9/11? Try November 9th. Here in the U.S. we would see this as 11/9, but across the pond (and practically everywhere else in the world) November 9th is seen as 9/11. Anything important happen on this day anywhere that might see this as 9/11? Well, what if i told you practically every important event in Germany history over the course of the 20th century occurred on November 9th? That would be weird right? Well it just happens to be true. Lets make a list: Oh wait there's already one made for us But just to hit a few of the highlights: 1918 Kaiser Wilhelm II was forced to abdicate, ending Germany's monarchy, leading to the shortly lived Weimar Rep...

Back 2 the Future To Be or Not To Be Cont'd

I think I have discovered a phrase.  Allegorical Fractalization . al·le·go·ry /ˈaləˌɡôrē/ noun a story, poem, or picture that can be interpreted to reveal a hidden meaning, typically a moral or political one. frac·tal /ˈfraktəl/ noun a curve or geometric figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole. Fractals are useful in modeling structures (such as eroded coastlines or snowflakes) in which similar patterns recur at progressively smaller scales, and in describing partly random or chaotic phenomena such as crystal growth, fluid turbulence, and galaxy formation. I promised you Shakeshere but think about that while i get us there. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. Or the city of Hill Valley. It doesn't really matter which. The story is essentially the same. Back to the Future II has a very strong Hamlet element to it. The young protagonist discovers that his father has been murdered....

Biff Tannon = Donald Trump

Don't believe me?  Lets ask the writers of the Back to the Future films... But maybe he's just saying that now to keep his work relevant  Lets compare the two. Biff has a shitty blonde hairdo. Oh shit! So does Trump. In fact im not the only person that sees the resemblance. I grabbed these from a 5 second google image search. Sure they look alike but do they really have anything else in common?  Doubtful. Well there is this... But what aging blond megalomaniac doesn't have a casino right?? Okay they like the same kinda women.  But buxom and easy are things we all look for in babes right? I need more proof. Wait! Whhhhaaaaaatttt??? Yikes...  But what does all this mean?? You'll find out in 30 years. 30 years into the future. Well in the trilogy Doc and Marty travel 30 years into the future. October 2015 to be more exact. ...

Back 2 the Future: To Be or Not To Be

A Grimy Look at Back 2 the Future.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks Doc. In my weird little corner of reality somehow all roads lead to Back to the Future. Let me tell you a story. I'm going to start in the middle because that as good a place as any to begin. I found myself taking a different route home one day than my usual commute. I was lost. Lost in head space. Deep in thought. In thought about, of all things, Doc Brown! Suddenly, I saw a stop sign quickly approaching. All attention was diverted to the task of self preservation.  I reacted appropriately and stopped without incident. However, it seemed the act of having to physically react to the well laid road ques broke me from my highway hypnosis. I looked up and realized I was lost. Lost in meetspace. Real world lost. Instinctually my eyes darted and looked for a street sign so i could hopefully get my bearings. I discovered i was here . So the obvious question is why was I elbow deep in thought about Doc Bro...